The current health crisis the world is facing has certainly shaken many aspects
of our daily lives. Daily routines and work lives have been affected heavily, with
some facing financial repercussions.
As we potentially face a lengthy spell being home-bound, with social distancing
a priority, the aid of digital and technology is at the forefront of aiding business
for various reasons.
Businesses that may not be able to conduct day-to-day operations in the office
at the moment, can use an alternative strategy in remote working. Video
conferences are a very suitable to solution to conducting team meetings or
one-to-one conversations. Digital Marketers are still able to work on websites
and social media profiles; should they have the necessary login information.
The world of digital and ecommerce are operating as usual, with the rise of
online retail activity taking a significant up-rise since the health crisis began.
Digital content and subscription services such as Netflix saw a growth of 12.4%
and online takeaways sales grew by 8.7%. Netflix and YouTube recently
announced that they reducing streaming quality in Europe to prevent the
internet from “crashing”. This is due to the unprecedented usage due to the
Coronavirus outbreak.
"We estimate that this will reduce Netflix traffic on European networks by
around 25% while also ensuring a good quality service for our members," a
Netflix spokesperson said in a statement.
A spokesperson for Google, which owns YouTube, said: "We will continue
working with member state governments and network operators to minimize
stress on the system, while also delivering a good user experience."
As many look to battle potential boredom during this period, online streaming
material has become the number-one go-to in order to kill spare time.
The educational system has also been affected heavily by the coronavirus
outbreak, as GSCE and A-Level exams have been postponed. There are worries
as to how students will be able to prepare should exam recommence later in
the year. Students at that level will be able to find some material online to
help their revision; should their school or college provide. Younger children can
also home-school by taking online classes as they stay at home.
There has even been talk of smartphones playing a key part in tracking
coronavirus. As security agencies, internet companies and mobile network
owners know – these devices track your every movement, 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, 365 days a year. This could help to ensure that the advice
for social distancing in the UK is being followed.